Wooden Chess Key Chains mix od pieces (kings, queens, rooks, knights,...
Chessboard dimmensions: 42 x 42 cm / 16" inch x 16" inch Square size:...
Ball pens with overprinted chess symbols Available colors: yellow,...
Foldable, plastic chess board No. 6• size of the board: 51,5 x 51,5 cm•...
The book tab with chess puzzles combines pleasant with useful! Made of...
Format: A6 - 105 x 148 mm, Cover paper: no cover, Inner paper: offset...
Wooden chess set. size 54 x 27 x 6 cm, King 110 mm, felt base, weight...
Plastic keychain in the shape of chess pieces (king, queen, bishop,...
The book tab with chess puzzles combines pleasant with useful! Made of...
Ball pen with metal body. Available in 4 colors:• blue• red• green•...
The book tab with chess puzzles combines pleasant with useful! Made of...
Plastic chess pieces , Staunton nr 6, king 96mm, weight of all pieces...
Nice USB memory stick in the shape of a kingMaterial: wood /...
Introduction Chess is one of the most difficult and beautiful games man...
Tournament size chessboard No. 6 made of plastic, double folded to save...
Tournament size chessboard No. 4 made of plastic, double folded to save...
Professional chess set in tournament size No.6. Inlaid chessboard, with...
Professional chess set in tournament size No.5. Inlaid chessboard, with...
Wooden, magnetic perfect as a travel companion in MINI version (S-140/M)
Wooden chessboard Light beige/dark brown fields made by screen printing...
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1 is essentially a chess puzzle book, but not...
Turbo-Charge Your TacticsTurbo-Charge Your Tactics 2 concludes a...
A LIFE DEDICATED TO CHESS AND ITS PLAYERS This remarkable book is a...
Full title:The Complete Manual of...
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Garri Kasparow nauczył się grać w szachy w wieku pięciu lat, by w 1985 roku odebrać Anatolijowi Karpowowi tytuł najlepszego szachisty świata - chociaż ich rywalizacja zaczęła się wcześniej, od ich pierwszego nierozstrzygniętego meczu, rozpoczętego w Moskwie w 1984 roku. Próby odzyskania szachowej korony przez swojego historycznego rywala Kasparow musiał...