Nice USB memory stick in the shape of a kingMaterial: wood /...
Introduction Chess is one of the most difficult and beautiful games man...
Tournament size chessboard No. 6 made of plastic, double folded to save...
Tournament size chessboard No. 4 made of plastic, double folded to save...
Professional chess set in tournament size No.6. Inlaid chessboard, with...
Professional chess set in tournament size No.5. Inlaid chessboard, with...
Wooden, magnetic perfect as a travel companion in MINI version (S-140/M)
Wooden chessboard Light beige/dark brown fields made by screen printing...
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1 is essentially a chess puzzle book, but not...
Turbo-Charge Your TacticsTurbo-Charge Your Tactics 2 concludes a...
A LIFE DEDICATED TO CHESS AND ITS PLAYERS This remarkable book is a...
A book by stalwart chess writer on an aspect of chess that is quite common, but little is written about, swindling in chess. In chess, a swindle is a ruse by which a player in a losing position tricks his opponent, and thereby achieves a win or draw instead of the expected loss. Renown chess writers Horowitz and Reinfeld observe that swindles, "though...
Из предисловия 14-го чемпиона мира Владимира Крамника: «В юности, когда я только начинал изучать шахматы, одной из, можно сказать, «библий» по игровым окончаниям была книга этого же автора «Стратегия эндшпиля». Она считалась «канонической», все тренеры в Советском Союзе рекомендовали своим ученикам: «Читай Шерешевского!» Я сам внимательно проштудировал...
Surprise yourself and reach higher! This book is based on real amateur games and shows you how an average club player can proceed through the ranks and reach Candidate Master level. It’s a hard struggle, nothing comes for free and your path will be strewn with setbacks and disappointments. Just like in real life.
Most tactics and training books are good for boosting your calculation ability, but they do not teach you how to calculate. This is the difference I want to make with my own books, by arranging the exercises in different categories so that the thinking process more closely resembles the one we have during a game.
With the ascent of computer technology, humans have a chance to develop their thinking process based on hard evidence. Think Like a Machine explores human limitations and proposes new avenues for human thinking, inspired by computer engines.
Chess is a cruel game. We all know that feeling when your position has gone awry and everything seems hopeless. You feel like resigning. But don’t give up! This is precisely the moment to switch to swindle mode.
Mental Toughness in Chess: Practical Tips to Strengthen Your Mindset at the Board - Werner SchweitzerYour performance at the board does not only depend on your pure chess skills. Being a winner also requires a mindset that is able to cope with lots of stress and setbacks during hours of uninterrupted concentration.
«Евгений Андреевич Васюков – подлинный самородок земли русской. Он сделал себя сам, постоянным трудом развивая огромный шахматный талант, данный ему свыше. Он стал элитным гроссмейстером, а также показал себя замечательным организатором, оставаясь добрым и отзывчивым человеком и прекрасным семьянином. Память о нем будет жить очень долго.
Сюжет этой книги – не просто романтический вымысел автора, но и попытка исторического исследования одной из самых восхитительных мистификаций эпохи Просвещения, столь богатой на разного рода выдумки.
The purpose of this book is to help learners build confidence in their abilities by specific and well-chosen teaching content and numerous corresponding exercises. Since players of the author's 'target group' (still clearly on the lower side of the magic sound barrier of Elo 2000) do not (or not yet!) think like chess masters, they will quickly realize...
Книга содержит 1000 избранных популярных шахматных этюдов, отличающихся легким построением, остроумным и эффектным решением, отличной формой. Автор сборника, 14-кратный чемпион мира по шахматной композиции, международный гроссмейстер, не только...
Many players are serious about their chess but become stuck at a certain playing strength. It’s rarely a lack of talent or practice or opening knowledge that holds them back. Usually they get left behind because they don’t know how to make best use of the time they have available to study chess.
A fully comprehensive guide covering the aim of every chess player: how to beat a superior opponent. Packed with tips and tricks, strategies and illustrative examples trom 50 of the best chess upsets in history, annotated in accessible and instructive language. Popular chess author and International Grandmaster Andrew Soltis brings you the crucial...
Гроссмейстер Алексей Дреев – трехкратный победитель Всемирных шахматных Олимпиад и двукратный победитель командных чемпионатов мира в составе сборной России. Чемпион Европы по быстрым шахматам, победитель многих престижных турниров, таких как Вейк-ан-Зее, Биль, Высшая лига чемпионата России и др. Сеньор-тренер ФИДЕ.
В настоящий сборник собраны практически все (364) задачи автора составленные в соавторстве со 108(!) проблемистами, а также, включены 34 задачи автора из личного архива и 6 диаграмм со скахографическими задачами И.Чепы и Ю.Фокина посвящённые юбилейным датам.
Prior to this one, I had written three books dedicated to chess openings. When I was offered the chance to write a book for Thinkers Publishing, I had no particular idea on what to write about within that area and I wanted to try something (a bit — I am not that foolish!) new.
Learn to play like a champion!
Life is too short to play boring chess! That’s the mantra of the two young authors of this book, and as you read their energetic and insightful words, you may find yourself caught up in their enthusiasm for direct attacking play.
At a time when prisons are in the news due to increasing violence, drug taking and low morale, it has never been more important to focus on education and rehabilitation.
Will memorizing a mountain of related chess positions help you to learn? Have you spent untold time studying a chess idea and then found that you can’t remember it in a game? Education research, says Kevin Cripe, has found that optimal learning is based largely on the structure of problem sets and your brain’s ability to understand similarities and...
This course is designed for those who want to develop their skills in the game of go. The course consists of three parts. The first part is addressed to people who begin their adventure with go. Herein, I will explain the rules and the most important information for the future player. By the end of part 1, you will know when a group is alive, when not,...
1997 год. Нью-Йорк. Чемпион мира по шахматам Гарри Каспаров проигрывает компьютеру Deep Blue фирмы IBM, и это становится величайшим поединком всех времен и народов. Об этой игре будут говорить как о «последней битве человеческого разума», многие будут сравнивать ее с первым полетом братьев Райт и высадкой астронавтов на Луну.
In the first full book to examine 2.b3 against the Sicilian, French and Caro-Kann, mainlines, interesting sidelines and current theory are reviewed. In addition, what actually happens in modern practice is surveyed.
Уникальное событие в книжном мире, которое не должен пропустить ни один ценитель шахмат, — книга одной из самых известных шахматисток планеты, двенадцатой чемпионки мира, международного гроссмейстера Александры Костенюк.